Review of 2020

Been a while as usual but I keep coming back. Sometimes I post regular, more often than not there’s big gaps in the blog but I like to use this as a gaming/painting diary.

Feel it’s only right to address my goals for 2020, which is easy as it’s the last post on here!

Log all my AoS games for the year, same as last year- get at least 52 in again.

Logged all but 3 which I must rectify from memory. Got 16 AoS games in total which isn’t too bad really with ‘Rona on the go. 3 games of Bloodbowl and around 15 games of MCP which I didn’t log. Ive played more than I thought I had.

For fun, i’m going to do the old school “log what minis I bought vs what I painted” obviously it’d be nice to paint more than I buy, but I’m not gonna break into a sweat over it 😂 (currently sitting on 0 for 0)


Not gonna lie, forgot about it and not kept up with this at all. Bought a Nighthaunt army. A few Nurgle and Tzeentch bits plus a fair few MCP models.

What did I paint 2020? Let’s have a look, as I sure as hell can’t remember everything!

115 models total!

Not shabby at all, happy with that! Just shows what reduced gaming does for painting output.  A painting room (pictured) overhaul ate into painting time severely too.

I’m going to actually log bought:painted models for 2021 as it could be fun and I really need to clear the backlog.

Go to a ‘big’ tournament and experience the wider community aside from the local-ish one.

Obviously wasn’t possible. I got a doubles tournament in for AoS back in Feb before my local store closed it’s doors for good 🥺.

I also went to my first MCP tournament in August when restrictions had eased a bit. This was great, a much needed social event. The Scene was great and it was the first tournament I’d been to in an age that wasn’t local. Enjoyed it very much even though I did walk away with the spoon.

A big AoS tournament remains a goal, but who knows when that will be possible.

This years goals are are to just paint a lot and log my games, along with keeping a check on bought:painted.

I’ve amassed 4 AoS armies and they’re all in various states. None are fully painted which still remains a goal.

So for 2021 I’m gonna be steaming ahead with my Nighthaunt, getting it to a fully painted state asap. More on that in my next post.

Bought:Painted 5:0


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