Knight of Shrouds & Spirit Tourment

I love the mounted Knight of Shrouds model so did what I usually do when there’s a model I really like and don’t wanna mess up – Procrastinate! Finally bit the bullet and painted him up and finished off the Spirit Tourment. Came out ok I think. Leaves me with my 2k list mini goalContinue reading “Knight of Shrouds & Spirit Tourment”

Planet Smasher Games

Unreasonably Fun Tabletop Games

Being Sassy

Musings and thought mostly focused around my hobby

Boy Bucky's World

Play it painted!

Malibros Blog

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

The Laughter of Oz

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

Paint it Pink

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

The Bovine Overlord

An Edinburgh Gaming Blog

Massive Mistakes May Be Made

A Henchman Lee Production

The Wargaming Bear

We all travel the road into the hobby, may as well go with a bear

Knibblers Minis

Bringing Minis to Life

The Wargaming Monkey

The adventures of a grown man and his toy soldiers

The Wake of Godzilla

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

Tales from Geek Manor

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page


Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page Updates

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

The Many Adventures of Blutac Bursnell

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page


Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

Workbench Warrior's Blog

My life story in Wargaming and Painting

Double Negative Flip

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page

Order Minoris

Painting Blog, occasional tutorial and random crap dumped from my brain to the page